get in touch

My last name rhymes with “like yer.” The “j” sounds like a “y”—like “Björk” but Danish not Icelandic.

Photo credit:
Justin K.H. Chen

creative project + event INQUIRIES

I am available for freelance consulting gigs, dream jobs, creative collaborations, coffee dates and invitations to pop-up art shows.

As a children’s picture book author, I’m also happy to collaborate with values-aligned individuals and organizations to co-create community events to inspire a love for reading, writing and cultural exchange. I am particularly interested in exploring themes of indigenous representation and dual/mixed cultural heritage, within an anti-racist, anti-oppressive framework.

My visits can be tailored to suit the needs of your audiences and age groups. Some ideas for events we could host together:

  • Storytime (in both English and Mandarin-Chinese)

  • Book Signings

  • Writing Workshops